A public swimming pool that, throughout its 50 years of lifetime, has served generations of young swimmers and holds a firm place in their memories. Even though materials and finishings have aged, its state-of-the-art structure resists time.
The diving-boards pillar extends further up through the rectangular metallic roof, to suspend it via cables. This allows for the light structure of the facades’ glass curtain walls. By following the latest technology in glass panels, one could regain the initial “modern” transparency, that was eliminated in favour of dark reflecting glass that was part of a renovation in the 90s.
This is a design that clearly reflects its time. The plain flat roof extends over the wide terrace and provides shade to the corner-to-corner glass facade of the living room. Sliding glass-panels fully merge the open plan interior with the terrace into one continuous rectangular space. Slim iron columns allow unrestricted views and maximum openness.
Due to its design - rather avant-garde for its time and place - this public swimming-pool building has become a landmark of Serres, a small town in Northern Greece. The imposing geometrical structure, accompanied by a playful landscape design, still looks as modern as it did at its opening 50 years ago. The municipality of Serres is planning a renovation that will place the building once again at the forefront of technology, to complement its timeless design.
A family house that made a statement at the time in its suburb. A simple composition that reflects a purity that has always been an aspiration to minimalistic architecture.